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How to choose a cooker hood?

publisherShelly Lee


I believe many friends are familiar with cooker hoods(also called kitchen chimney, range hood) because we use cooker hoods every day. How to choose a cooker hood suitable for your kitchen? Let's learn more together!

如何选择一个完美的 抽油烟机?

厨房炊具 油烟机选得好,做饭时油烟少!购买合格且性价比高的厨房炊具 引擎盖可以让我们感觉到快乐的 而且煮起来更香! 一个优秀的厨房炊具 油烟机需要有良好的排烟效果,低噪声, 易于清洁。下面我就详细分析一下如何购买炊具 罩从这三个方面。

1. 工作原理炊具 兜帽

抽油烟机的基本工作过程是:电源驱动电机运转工作,电机带动风轮旋转。上方形成负压区气体火炉。这n 油烟进入炊具 油雾经烟罩过滤分离,凝结成雾滴进入油杯,烟雾排出室外。

2、风量指标炊具 兜帽

风量是推荐前的一个重要指标炊具 兜帽。单位为立方米/分钟。单方面来说,排风量越大,厨房油烟排出的越快,但并不是越大越好。过多的风量会带走大量的热量。这会影响正常在职的 煤气灶的!

如何选择风机的风量炊具 根据自己的罩子厨房

常用风量为炊具 抽油烟机的流量为:<14m3/min、14-15m3/min、15-16m3/min、>17m3/min。具体风量选择要根据厨房面积、烹饪习惯、烟道情况来确定。

一般家庭厨房面积为3-5平方米, 5-7平方米, 7-9平方米 以及超过10个平方米。厨房也有封闭式和开放式两种。K发痒区域10以下平方米,选择15m3/min为最佳,t 厨房有10个以上平方米 应该选择 比...更棒 17立方米/分钟。

一般情况下,15立方米/分钟就足以满足家庭的烹饪习惯。 如果炒菜量较多,可以选择>17m3/min的排风量。 除了、排风量的选择根据烟道长度确定。烟道越长,排气就越困难。你可以c选择大风量 >17m3/min 或购买炊具 引擎盖自带增压功能

很多人说抽油烟机只要风量大就好了。其实这是一种错误的认识,或者说并不完全正确。想要吸油烟机顺利将厨房的油烟排出,就需要风量和风压来完成。时间hey are indispensable. If the air volume is large and the blast pressure is not enough or the blast pressure is too large, but the air volume is too small, the cooker hood will not has an ideal smoke exhaust effect.


Small Air Volume

Large Air Volume

Air Volume Range




Cooking Style



Slow cook

Spicy food



Air Volume for Reference

3. Blast pressure index of cooker hood

As we talked about above, only large air volume cannot discharge oil smoke, and blast pressure is needed to assist. Blast pressure refers to the static pressure value when the exhaust air volume reaches 7m³/min (these terms don’t need to be understood too much), just remember that the larger the static pressure value, the stronger the ability to resist returning smoke.

I think some friends have encountered such a situation, that the cooking fume of other people’s home enters their own kitchen, which means that the blast pressure of the cooker hood you bought is low, but there is no need to worry too much about this problem, because now on the market most of cooker hoods usually have a blast pressure above 300Pa, which is enough for common building families.

Some friends may ask how much blast pressure cooker hood I need to live on the XX floor. Here is a simple reference formula for everyone:

Total number of floors-floor to live = reference value

And then refer to the blast pressure in the figure below:

Total number of floors-floor to live = reference value

reference value

Corresponding blast pressure









For example, there are 28 floors in total, you live on the 20th floors, the reference value: 28-20=8, just choose the blast pressure above 300Pa compared with the above table.

4. Noise index of cooker hood

When we buy a cooker hood, the noise is also we must pay special attention to, excessive noise will make you feel very uncomfortable when cooking, and it is not good to spend money to suffer!

If the noise of the cooker hood below 65dB, it is good, but we have to understand two different concepts, sound pressure level and sound power level. There is no need to go into what it means, as long as you know that sound power level is equal to sound pressure level + 14dB, knowing this will prevent you from being fooled by some "bad" sales when you buy a cooker hood!

5. Cleaning index of range hood

When buying a kitchen range hood, you must not only pay attention to greater suction power but also have to concern about the cleaning issue. Related data shows that more than 1/3 of after-sales problems are caused by cleaning.

The cooker hood cleaning mainly includes the whole machine cleaning, external cleaning and internal cleaning. Nowadays, many cooker hoods have automatic cleaning function, but the price is more expensive. If you have a sufficient budget, buying one with an automatic cleaning function is the best choice.
